product description.

Astrid is a mobile application that offers a comprehensive solution to personal finance management. With its help, users can effectively manage their incomes and expenses, and set budgets to avoid overspending and financial stress.

role and duration.

Product Designer, 4 weeks.


The application was designed to address the challenges faced by individuals in managing their personal finances. These challenges often arise from a lack of organization and visibility into their spending habits. Additionally, creating and sticking to a budget can be a difficult task for many, leading to financial difficulties.


Astrid offers a solution to these challenges by providing a convenient and accessible platform for users to manage their personal finances. The user-friendly and intuitive mobile application allows users to easily categorize and track their spending, set budget goals, and view personalized financial insights. This way, users can take control of their finances and make informed decisions about their spending.

The end goal of Astrid is to help individuals improve their financial literacy, achieve their financial goals, and ultimately lead a stress-free financial life. With Astrid, users can confidently manage their finances and achieve their desired financial outcomes.


A user research study was conducted to gather insights into how individuals manage their finances, their budgeting practices, and their preferences for finance management apps.

The study involved online user interviews conducted over a period of one week via popular platforms like WhatsApp and Twitter. A total of 10 users who were actively managing their finances participated in the study, and their responses were collected, analyzed, and interpreted.

The findings of the study revealed some key insights into the finance management habits of the users.

For instance,

Additionally, the study found that users valued the ease of use, security, and automatic categorization of expenses as key features when considering a finance management app.